
Showing posts from July, 2015


Its been awhile since I'm not my best.. I feel like I'm at test.. Things inside are not at rest.. Yes, it seems like a rhyme but it's something that is constantly going on.. The times when I try sharing it, venting it out.. I feel like I'll be judged.. The answers are all solution focused.. What is required is patience with a patient hearing.. Thoughts about future seem blurred.. The present is dull and the past is dark.. The world looks with an unwanted smile.. Its vicious eyes are piercing through my soul. I look sane outside but inside everything is going insane. I don't want to be a subject of conversations rather I desire self perception, a vision to help me clear my doubts.. My To Do list is overflowing.. I have so much that I Have to do and so much that I Plan to do. My mission is missing, I'm becoming lethargic to the thought of putting hard work. My efforts are missing and I know I'll succumb to these undue pressures that have be...

Unmanned Distance

Distances are measured.. Distances are created.. Distances are traveled upon.. And Distances are sorted.. When one is travelling we always take out a map to see how far we've come and how much farther do we have to go. The calculation is manned. The measured and calculated distance is the one we already are aware of. We are on a road already traveled. A relation is a road that has it's milestones which we are creating to know that we have traveled this path. But the path that we are moving on is the one that we are creating. We are amateur's in the field. Our relationship has its own manned regions, the regions that have affected us. The grey areas of our relationship is unmanned, untamed and unaffected. When we are meeting the one's we love everyday or frequently, these grey areas fade away. We know how the other will react, how they behave etc. The frequent meetings shorten the distance. We know the effects and affects of the distance. Yet some dista...