Unmanned Distance
Distances are measured.. Distances are created.. Distances are traveled upon.. And Distances are sorted..
When one is travelling we always take out a map to see how far we've come and how much farther do we have to go. The calculation is manned. The measured and calculated distance is the one we already are aware of. We are on a road already traveled.
A relation is a road that has it's milestones which we are creating to know that we have traveled this path. But the path that we are moving on is the one that we are creating. We are amateur's in the field.
Our relationship has its own manned regions, the regions that have affected us. The grey areas of our relationship is unmanned, untamed and unaffected. When we are meeting the one's we love everyday or frequently, these grey areas fade away. We know how the other will react, how they behave etc.
The frequent meetings shorten the distance. We know the effects and affects of the distance.
Yet some distances just happen without a reason... Distances we realize after we have come a long way.... Missing those opportunities to meet, catch up with the lost time..
Awhile back I asked a friend of mine, 'why does it happen with me?' Her words left a lasting impact on me. She said, 'we knew you had a career to work on, we knew you were busy. But we also knew that you were a call away. You will come back. What we also know is that if people can't understand each other in friendship then that friendship doesn't hold any meaning. If you're not meeting that doesn't mean you have lost him/her. Rather it's taken for granted and being with each other that matters!'
Travelling through your own wanted land, you make memories.. Meet new people and have few who tag along.. We move through troubled waters but have faith and trust that these all will remain with you till the end of it all..
At times we don't talk to our relatives, don't contact our friends, catching up is always peeking at you from the edge since we are so caught up with our own-selves that we let it stay.. We know that all the people who mean something in your life, people who hold importance will always cherish you.. They will understand.. Those are the words we utter every time.. Every time we postpone the chats, meetings and calls..
Seeking support and trust from your loved ones is what fades the effect of distance.. The gap fills itself with even one meeting.. So, lets cherish our relationships, seek favor towards our distances and keep finding those important people.. Let this unmanned distance fade into oblivion!
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