
I'm at crossroads and things seem to be in total confusion,
I have to take a decision which will be life altering.
My observation in this is that whatever decision we generally take during this time are 90% correct..
Finally i decided and set the pressure off.
Its liberating yet a part is missing..
I smiling, following my routine, completing my tasks, socializing,
Still something is unsettled inside.. Oh No! It is still YOU..
I have to finish you, chuck you out.
Unknowingly - Knowingly things are shaping this way that i have accomplished my challenge.
Now, i'm free but i'm confused..
I'm trying to figure out my steps ahead.
Should i do this??
Should i not do this??
Oh, no!! I will end up the same way...
All of them are saying this is right, get into this.
But will i be able to do justice???
I'm in the dilemma of hurting someone's feelings in my way of happiness..
I don't wanna screw someone else's life for this happiness..
I will wait and wait for the time when my fears are forgotten.
Till that time let me work for IT!


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