
A memory can haunt you for the entire lifetime... The exact version plays in my mind like a broken tape recorder repeating those instances like they happened just a moment back.. The things i fear the most have come in front of my eyes and i can see the worst in everything around..

It's beautiful too as my mind has definitely captured quiet many moments that came all these years, all those smiles, funny moments, high moments with family or friends. All these people and moments do have had their effect on me through thick or thin..

They made me travel through my own road less known to me.. Let me have my own set of adventures.. The rough patches, the bad mood days and the list is endless.. These times did have their own charm as I saw a different part of me, a part that i didn't experience generally..

Now as I look back and see I laugh on those instances that made me give those expressions.. I see how immaturity brought a new level of maturity.. All tiny instances made up a combined big one...

Maybe happiness didn't have to be about the big, sweeping circumstances, about having everything in your life in place. Maybe it was about stringing together a bunch of small pleasures… Maybe happiness was just a matter of the little upticks—the traffic signal that said “Walk” the second you got there—and down-ticks—the itchy tag at the back of your collar—that happened to every person in the course of a day. Maybe everybody had the same allotted measure of happiness within each day. 

Past is something which needs to be accepted and accommodated to... One needs to come to an understanding that it has a magic of its own that binds our relationships and reminds us of who we were and who we are!!


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