Finding You!

The time i stepped into the class i felt like "i don't belong here." My gaze shifted from one group to another in a frantic effort to catch an accepting gaze. Then, my eyes fell on a bunch with a beaming smile but high on "ego". Gradually, i had a few people whom i could call my friends. Yet, my eyes would flicker towards you. I tried to utilize the skills i acquired to know more about you. But, i failed and left things mid way.

Finally came a day when you approached me and with a little effort i saw a different you. We started interacting showing a different self everyday. As a group member left, you were a lone ranger in the scenario. I took you in and we ended up knowing similarities in one another.

Barring the age difference, barring all odds i knew i had to work to save it all. As i worked i saw you took a step forward and we began moving at a fast pace. Spending time and sharing experiences, some nice, some bad..

Came a day when i was in a fix and you came with a solution that got me somewhere. I felt safe and shared things that i tell anyone else. Those short notes, those long stories, and those mails put me on a right track. Although we both know the result was the one we always anticipated. Yet, in the entire process i met the amazing you.

Speaking to you, sharing the short notes, sharing similar causes and having those special moments clicked in the awesomest pics! I've found a new you, a similar me... We are different people yet we have a similar history, a similar psyche and i know we'll share even more geographies together.. Heehehahaha!! I know i might sound a bit silly and dramatic but it's always been a pleasure to know you.. :) Be mine always! :P


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