Exercising Freedom

Looking for #Quotes, Life #Quote, #Love Quotes, Quotes about moving on, and Best Life Quotes here. Visit curiano.com "Curiano Quotes Life"!While reading the newspaper today I came across this article via
Paulo Cohelo which said, "No one who really loves you would expect you to make any kind of promises. If you want to understand love, learn to exercise freedom"

We come across people, couples (married - unmarried) and individuals who are in a relationship and making promises everyday. Some of us even break those promises the very day and some of us live the promises we made..

Have we for once thought about the space and freedom we give to one another??? Have we for once thought about the reason for which are promising actually??!

Its a food for your thought.. But I think most of us do not give any heed to such reason's..

It also mentioned that we promise because we are afraid to lose the person.. We somewhere are hiding the guilt of saying things that might cause the problem. Guilt of saying the Truth.

When we love someone, we rather should tame the fears, push them towards the edge. These fears will hamper the basis of the entire relation. The sanctity of its very existence will be shaken.

Self-Love    http://www.essentialpractice.ca/services/marriage-counselling-toronto/Be present. Make love. Make tea. Avoid small talk. Embrace conversation. Buy a plant, water it. Make your bed. Make someone else’s bed. Have a smart mouth, and quick wit. Run. Make art. Create. Swim in the ocean. Swim in the rain. Take chances. Ask questions. Make mistakes. Learn. Know your worth. Love fiercely. Forgive quickly. Let go of what doesn’t make you happy. Grow. #inspirational #quotesOne should rather be open to one another, let the other person see the actual you. Know thyself better. 

The day we know ourselves better, the other person will be easily understood. That very day the fears, insecurities and guilt for something's will be lost. And your relationship will write a new chapter!


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