First Sight
Heart rate has accelerated..
Seeing you for the first time or as a matter of fact every-time we met brought these feelings inside. The first time was a special one, I still remember the conversation we had, the place we sat and what we were wearing!
First time is the most sensational experience one has or one experiences. Be it meeting someone for the first time or going for a job interview or talking to someone over phone or chat. We all try to get a glimpse into the other's psyche, what is that make this person says this? or what is that makes this person him/ her?
You need to know the other self better so as to pass judgments about them. There may be chances that the other person is hiding themselves under a shell and just want to show what is required at that moment. The actual self of the individual is visible only after in-depth knowing.
Yes, one cannot deny the fact that first impression can at times prove to be the last impression. As there have been instances where one can catch few ideas about how the person is in real life by his/ her gestures. The first sight can actually be helpful in places where even the in-depth knowledge also fails!

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